Sunday, November 30, 2008


Today's photo of the day goes to Bella & Rylee. Rylee was saying bye to Bella as we were leaving to have Thanksgiving at my Aunts. She has always been in love with Bella. So cute.

We had a pretty good thanksgiving. Very mellow, which was great. Rylee pigged out. Blake only had dessert bc he was too busy playing. Daddy watched a lot of football. And mommy drank too much and was sick all day Friday haha. This morning we went and got a Christmas tree. I brought my camera but didn't use it bc it was raining when we first got there. It ended up snowing wicked big pretty flakes so it was a perfect tree-getting day. Rylee was so funny catching the snow on her tounge, it made me wish I had brought my camera out!! Right now the tree is in the cellar but I'm hoping to have it up and decorated in the next day or so. We had dinner at Brendon's dads this afternoon, we haven't really seen them all since the wedding so it was nice :) Now I'm gonna go clean up a bit and watch some tv until bed. Night!!


1 comment:

Amanda Bowden said...

Sound like a great Thanksgiving.

I wish you had got some snow shots! I LOVE the snow but rarely see any.